Moonlight War- Act I (The Realmers Book 2) Read online

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  The chamber reverberated with gasps and outraged whispers at Vanderain’s words.

  “Cera Sangel had no sorcery of her own, so her Father urged his family into a deal with a demon who would give Cera sorcery, for a dreadful price.”

  “I knew it!” Lyella exclaimed, “I knew that Bliak was the traitor.”

  Other Venators looked his way at the news. “They were dating,” was one of several murmurs.

  Evan’s stomach knotted in pain. Would people think he was in on it too?

  Vanderain continued. “Know that the Sangel family have fled, but they will undoubtedly suffer from their deal with a Dread Lord, for they are always a poisoned chalice. If we discover them before they perish out in the realms, rest assured they will be imprisoned.”

  “Too right,” Lok shouted, his cry repeated by many.

  “On a lighter note,” Vanderain continued, “I must applaud you all on how you dealt with the demon invasion. Rest easy, for demons won’t cross into this world again while I remain alive, and we all know that will be for some years to come,” he chuckled.

  “Whoa.” Jed had left his forkful of food in mid-air since Vanderain had entered. “That guy is our Master? He’s not what I expected at all.”

  “Nearly everyone says that.” Joelle grinned.

  Vanderain then turned and stared at Evan directly, “Evan Umbra, Brooke Carn, Jed Jagger, Elijah Gold, Emillia Lantley, Xavier Ichles, Izekiel Irk and Sintian Stray, please follow me.”

  Vanderain bowed to the room before leaving the chamber.

  "Oh no, are we in trouble?" Elijah's eyes widened.

  "I'm sure it'll be fine," said Joelle.

  Evan followed the others as they set off after Vanderain, worry burrowing a hole in his belly.

  His anxiety increased when he saw Sintian emerge from the crowd. Sintian eyed him suspiciously, as if he expected Evan to attack him.

  He thinks I'm a demon, Evan guessed, and he wouldn't be far wrong either.

  Heads turned to stare as they followed Vanderain out of the Banquet hall. The Master Eternal led them down a short corridor and through a wooden door into a tiny chamber with only a single oak table and a few guttering candles.

  “Good morning,” said Vanderain.

  They all replied quietly. Evan presumed everyone was as intimidated as he was.

  “Cheer up,” said Vanderain, “I'm about to give you a promotion.”

  There was a few seconds of silence and then Jed burst out, “Awesome, thanks man.”

  Vanderain continued, “Every Venator handled the invasion spectacularly. But I have been told that you lot in particular took the fight to them, risking your own lives in the process. For handling yourselves so well, all of you shall advance one rank in your training. I have the utmost confidence in you, and you have my ever lasting apologies for the terror you’ve endured.”

  “It wasn't that bad, honestly,” Xavier chuckled, waving a hand airily.

  “Most of you will move to Apprentice rank with immediate effect. Brooke, Elijah and Sintian, you are now Mid-Realmers.”

  “About time,” Sintian muttered.

  Brooke blinked rapidly. “Are you sure? I've only been an Apprentice for a few weeks.”

  “Quite sure,” Vanderain nodded. “In fact,” he turned to the new Apprentices. “Your progress so far has been so good that you’ll be ready for missions soon. Thus, you’ll be facing the Mid-Realmer trial in two months.”

  “No way?” Xavier said.

  “Seriously?” Emi cried. “But that’s so soon.”

  It took a moment until Evan realised what they were talking about. He’d heard many Venators discussing how the Mid-Realmer trial was one of the hardest to pass. Unlike the other trials, the Apprentices faced it in a team, battling round after round of different monsters in the city coliseum. He felt a ripple of nausea, only two months to prepare for such an immense task was no easy feat.

  “Now, you’re free to go.” Vanderain smiled. “Oh, Evan and Brooke, may I have a word first?”

  Evan's nerves for the upcoming trial doubled now. Was Vanderain about to tell them to leave? That they were a danger to everyone around them as half demons?

  As they left, Jed mouthed that they'd wait for him, whilst Sintian looked between them and Vanderain with hungry curiosity. Once Sintian closed the door behind him, Evan and Brooke were left alone with the Eternal.

  He watched the door for a while after it closed, before addressing it. “Away from the door Sintain, it’s rude to spy.”

  Evan stifled a grin as he heard Sintian shuffle away, no doubt he’d had his ear pressed against the door, but it seemed nothing got by Vanderain.

  Vanderain turned back to them, smiling warmly. “I wanted to check if you're both okay?”

  “Fine,” Evan replied hastily. “I think.”

  “I have an endless amount of things to do. But I will make it a priority to learn anything I can about your… unusual situation. Rest assured, I don’t believe you’re a current danger to yourselves or anyone around you.”

  Evan's anxiety was alleviated a little, although he didn't fail to catch the word, current.

  “I don't… feel any different.” He struggled to find words. “I just want to know what this all means. Like, will I one day wake up a grotesque demon or something?”

  Brook nodded in agreement.

  To Evan's surprise, Vanderain giggled, “Oh, I hope not. I believe you are human in every way. You feel real human emotions and needs, like eating and sleeping. As the majority of demons feed on human flesh and organs, I think we're okay there. However, I do think that you have the potential to access a great demon power inside of you. I will need to learn exactly what that is. What its triggers are, and most importantly, how you can control it. I will make sure that Kurrlan was the only one that knew of your existence, Evan. I am confident Akirandon does not know of you. Brooke however, someone placed you on Earth when you were a baby. The disciple Adena may know of you, I’ll have to find out.”

  “Thanks," Brooke mumbled. “For being so honest about everything I mean.”

  Vanderain nodded, “Just know that I'm here to help you. In fact, I’ve been meaning to cleanse you Brooke. I might as well get it now.”

  “Uh…what,” Brooke mumbled.

  “Whoever placed you with the Carn family likely put an imprint spell upon you, which means they could track you across the realms.”

  Brooke didn’t say anything, but she turned white as a sheet. He reached over and squeezed her hand reassuringly.

  “Don’t worry,” Vanderain said. “I should be able to remove it, and maybe learn who placed it upon you too. May I have your hand?”

  Brooke timidly placed her hand in his own and Vanderain closed his eyes in concentration. Evan had no idea what was happening, but could clearly feel powerful magic begin to radiate around them.

  For several minutes there was only silence and Vanderain’s expression grew slowly more strained. At last he let go of Brooke’s hand and slumped in his seat.

  “It is done.”

  “Really?” Brooke asked, “I… I didn’t feel anything?”

  “It was powerful, hard for me to erase. Sorcery stronger than even a Dread Lord could summon.” Vanderain appeared to be talking to himself now. “Yes, it was definitely a Disciple behind this.”

  “My god,” Brooke gasped, visibly trembling.

  “It’s okay,” Evan tried to comfort her. “Whoever it was can’t track you now.”

  She smiled back at him weakly.

  “Okay,” Vanderain said, “you’re free to leave. Please, come to my quarters if you need anything. I’m on the top floor of the Master’s Citadel. We'll speak again soon.”

  As they emerged outside, their friends were in conversation down the corridor.

  “This means new lessons for all of us,” Elijah was saying, “You guys will be starting Astral Projection now. That’s where we can control animals for a short period of time.”

��No way!” Jed said.

  Elijah nodded ecstatically.

  “Well this is sensationally splendiferous,” Xavier beamed.

  “Shut it with your big words you,” Zeke punched him playfully on the arm.

  Evan smiled, at least moving to harder and newer training would take his mind off having a demon queen as a mother.

  “That Vanderain dude is pretty epic isn't he?” Jed said, as they set off down the corridor.

  “Wait,” said Brooke “if he's back, does this mean he found Arantay, or…” she couldn’t finish.

  “He must have,” Evan intervened quickly. “Vanderain wouldn’t have given up.”

  “I have to check,” Brooke’s face paled as she hurried away.

  “You know, we should try and find out what the deal is between those two,” said Jed.

  “I think it’s pretty private,” Evan disagreed.

  Jed shrugged. “Well I hope they don’t start up a relationship, I don’t wanna’ be the only dude who hasn’t hooked up with someone recently.”

  “You won’t be.” Emillia laughed. “What about Elijah, Joelle, me?"

  Jed shook his head. “Naa, I need to find a lady, and quick, multiple ladies if I’m lucky.”

  “So, what did the big V want with you?” Xavier asked.

  “Oh, er, to make sure I was okay after being in a demon realm and all that,” Evan shrugged, feeling guilty.

  How could he begin to tell his friends that he was only half human?

  Chapter 4- Deaths in the Family

  Both of his hearts beat frantically as he hobbled down the suburban street. Galk guessed it was late afternoon, as the sun was bleeding profusely, dissipating into the clouds around it. Galk couldn’t be sure; he’d forgotten what afternoon looked like on this realm.

  Though he wore his illusion ring, he kept his head low. He might’ve resembled a harmless old man on the outside, but he was anxious the magic would falter and reveal his monstrosity. Galk followed in his master’s wake, terrified.

  Kalkavan, first disciple of the demon god, and one of the most powerful beings in all the realms, was incensed. Galk’s lord would burn this city to the ground if he went into one of his black rages.

  Kalkavan took a great risk coming to Earth, but Galk knew he couldn’t stop him. Whilst Galk had disguised his true appearance, Kalkavan hadn’t cared to do the same.

  Fortunately he was in his common form. Galk didn’t know his Lord’s true appearance, but the humanoid shape he wore now was the one he saw most. He appeared as a very tall, heavily muscled middle aged man. His skin was unnaturally pale, as white as chalk. His hair was whiter than snow, pulled back in a braid that went down his broad back. But his face was the scariest. The flesh there appeared too tight, making every bone in his face stand out, like a skeleton. Kalkavan’s lips, however, were full and a soft pink colour. His eyes had no pupils, yet it was the colour that was most unnerving. They were blue ice, but so bright they appeared to be burning too. Even dressed as a human Kalkavan stood out on this realm, he would stand out anywhere.

  The portal had barely closed behind them when his lord set off down the path.

  His master looked calm on the surface, but beneath Galk knew rage threatened to boil to the top.

  Galk looked down the street nervously. He knew Earth realm well, and he knew Kalkavan would draw interest if he stayed here too long.

  “As I was saying my lord, I met with Akirandon as you instructed and fed her your false trail.” Galk wheezed, struggling to keep up with Kalkavan. “She will be occupied for some time, your grace.”

  Kalkavan strode ahead of him, dressed in a flowing cloak, shirt and boots in a navy blue.

  “Good,” Kalkavan grunted. “She’s the reason I stored Brooke here. If my treasure has been stolen from me, I…” He cut off, his fury too strong to carry on.

  Galk prayed his master’s secret was still safe. If she wasn’t Kalkavan might well kill every person in this city. Not that Galk cared for the lives of the humans, but he knew it would bring down Vanderain’s ire. If Vanderain killed his Lord, Galk would be ruined. He’d betrayed far too many. Without Kalkavan’s protection any number of enemies would destroy him; and take their time doing it.

  They’d reached the right house. Kalkavan gently unlocked the front gate. Even Galk, Kalkavan’s most trusted servant, hadn’t known Kalkavan had stored someone special here.

  Galk hadn’t long returned from Velkarath. He’d been in the middle of giving his report to Kalkavan when his master had become disturbed. Merely telling Galk that he’d felt magic in a place where he’d hidden something.

  Kalkavan knocked politely on the front door now, a muscle in his jaw twitching.

  An overweight man with a remote in one hand and a beer in the other opened the door. Before he could speak Kalkavan asked, “Good evening Mr Carn, is your daughter home?”

  “I uh, which daughter? Wait who are you again?”

  “May I come in?” Kalkavan asked, already stepping across the threshold and into the house.

  “Who is it Karl?” Another voice shouted from down the hall as Galk followed his master inside.

  “Uh,” Mr Carn repeated. He looked shocked at their arrival. His small mind was probably trying to comprehend why he was in such awe and fear of the stranger before him.

  “I was referring to your youngest daughter,” Kalkavan persisted, giving Mr Carn the coldest smile Galk had ever seen.

  “Brooke?” Mr Carn frowned. “No, she’s gone sir.”

  “Gone where?” Kalkavan said quietly.

  Galk felt his hearts flutter. If this girl was gone he didn’t know what Kalkavan would do.

  “She, uh--where did Brooke go again, Deb?”

  Mr Carn addressed the woman who arrived in the hallway; she gazed at Kalkavan in the same expression of incredulity and terror.

  “Brooke?” Mrs Carn said. “Oh yes, she got accepted to a boarding academy some time ago now. She always was good at athletics, I believe she’s-”

  She cut off as Kalkavan hissed vehemently. “They have her Galk, they’ve stolen her from me! Who was here? Who took her? Or have they already erased your memories?”

  The looks of utter confusion on their faces answered Kalkavan’s question.

  He roared in dismay, causing the whole house to tremble.

  “What was that? I-” Mr Carn’s shout was silenced as Kalkavan plunged his fingers into the man’s forehead and threw his obese body against the wall.

  Mrs Carn screamed as she witnessed her husband’s death, the scream was muffled as Kalkavan placed a hand on her head. Her face went slack as Kalkavan delved into her memories.

  After several moments he released the spell whilst sucking in his breath sharply.

  “Tarensen! Vanderain’s wretched son was here less than an hour ago. He went through their heads and learned someone placed Brooke here. They likely know she’s demon spawn too. But she was mine!”

  In his rage, Kalkavan swiftly snapped Mrs Carn’s neck and threw her body beside her husband’s. Galk cowered against the wall. He wouldn’t put it past his Lord to kill him too, before slaughtering everyone for miles around. His wrath was horrific to behold.

  “Then we must get her back, don’t despair.” He tried to placate Kalkavan.

  “Aye, we will.” Kalkavan muttered, his chest heaving as he tried to stifle his anger. “Brooke’s brother has sorcery. I often visited and taught Adam how to use magic in ways Veneseron wouldn’t sense it and interfere. I’d used Adam to watch over Brooke until it was time. I couldn’t raise Brooke myself. Akirandon would detect her on my realm. So I hid her with humans she resembled. The wretched fools of Veneseron must’ve taken her some time ago. My cursed war with Ougar has distracted me all this time Brooke has been gone. Damn him, I’d kill him all over again if I could. But Adam, why did he not warn me of Brooke’s disappearance? Where is he?”

  “Oh,” Galk racked his brain, Kalkavan had so many servants, so many spies and warriors in
his employ. “Yes, the human boy, insane wasn’t he? I’m afraid he hasn’t reported to us in some time, my lord.”

  Galk prepared himself for Kalkavan to fly into a fit of rage. Instead the lord closed his eyes calmly. Suddenly he was gone, blinking out of view. Galk hesitated, alone now. The only sound was his own breathing as he looked around the empty house.

  Suddenly Kalkavan returned, a teenage boy struggling beside him, suspended in the air as Kalkavan held him by his throat.

  “I…I’m sorry Lord… not… my fault,” Adam choked in Kalkavan’s grasp, his legs flailing in the air.

  Kalkavan dropped him unceremoniously. “Explain.”

  “Sure,” Adam crawled to his feet. “It’s not my fault,” he gasped. “They took me away from here Lord. The police, they locked me up with a load of loonies. I just squeezed that boy’s neck too hard and they took me away. I’ve been trying to contact you, Lord. But I keep forgetting. It’s these pills they give me. I forget I can use sorcery.”

  “Why didn’t you make contact with anyone in my keep?” Kalkavan snarled.

  “I couldn’t Lord,” Adam said, “they arrested me before I could come here and get my Rambrace or the scry stone. I’m so sorry, lord, so sorry. Please forgive me. I’ll do better next time. I kept waiting for the day you’d break me out, and now its come.”

  Adam looked around and saw the bodies of his parents for the first time. “Mom? Dad?” Adam’s look of horror turned into a pout as he turned to Kalkavan, “Why didn’t you let me kill them?”

  Galk didn’t know much about humans, but he was sure Adam’s reaction wasn’t normal for their kind.

  Adam hurried forward and kicked his father’s body, his face breaking into a grin. “Take that, fatty. Can I at least help kill my sisters instead? Where’s Brooke? Are we finally taking her, lord?”